Categories: HomiliesPublished On: January 3rd, 2024Tags: , 246 words7.5 min read
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Where’s Jesus – Deacon Rod Knight

January 7, 2024

Where’s Jesus? We are told that Jesus is coming. Hopefully we prepare, wait, and watch.
1 Kings:19 tells us of Elijah’s encounter with God. The Lord tells Elijah “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by.” A strong wind comes, but God is not there. An earthquake happens, but God is not there. Now a fire, but God is not there. God comes to Elijah as a tiny whispering sound. A whisper can be more significant than a shout. I recently encountered God in a tiny whispering sound, it came from a five-year-old, Nora Montgomery. Nora asked me with all humility to walk with her. How many times have you heard “Lord, teach us to pray?”  God, through Nora, has taught me to pray. The simple prayer upon waking “Lord, walk with me.” Humbly coming before our Creator and asking Him to lead us through our day, every day. I know this was from God because I had been struggling with my prayers.  Another confirmation was that Nora had told Father Adam Laski that she is in charge of him. Who is ultimately in charge of Father? Makes sense to me. We need to look for God, in all creation, especially in one another. If you look for the Lord, you will find Him. And be careful because Nora also informed me that the floor is lava. God’s peace!