Categories: HomiliesPublished On: September 5th, 2023Tags: , 262 words7.9 min read
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July 23, 2023 – Reflection

July 23, 2023 – Reflection by Krystal Montgomery and Roland Flasch

We have all heard the phrase, “the youth are our future”. If that is a true statement, then our future looks bright! The kids in our Catholic community are on fire for their faith. They are truly disciples of Christ and not afraid to share that light with others and that is something our world desperately needs right now. 
To be able to unplug from all of the noise in the everyday life of a teenager (and as an adult for that matter) and to be fully surrounded by others living authentically Catholic lives has been a source of great joy this past year! We are truly blessed to have so many opportunities for our kids and for them to be surrounded by so many vibrant and faith filled witnesses in our community. How amazing it is that they can experience Christ in this way! 
In the last month our youth have chosen to attend Extreme Faith Camp, Totus Tuus, the new Great Adventure Youth group and the Steubenville Youth Conference! Seeing the youth choose to pursue a wonderful adventure with Christ and deepen their faith has been one of the greatest blessings to witness.
St. John Paul II said, “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” This is definitely a true statement, though we could take it one step further and say that experiencing Christ alongside the youth of our community has been a great adventure this past year. Please pray for our youth as they continue this journey.