Categories: HomiliesPublished On: May 10th, 2023Tags: , 343 words10.4 min read
Fruitful Mission

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Here are links to our readings for the day:

Fruitful Mission

Maybe you have heard of the Welcome retreat program? Now don’t be put off by the word ‘retreat’. Not all retreats are the same. Nor are all retreats for everyone. And one size does not fit all. The meaning of retreat is to draw back into a place of security, of refuge.

So, when we use the word in a religious sense, we mean pulling back from the daily grind to spend time with God. Now that is very simplified. And I can understand how spending time with God might be somewhat intimidating. I mean, God is God. But He is a loving God. Seeking to love you. And to help you learn to love Him.

There are many forms of retreats. Some where you spend thirty days in silence (I know I could not do that!). Others are like Welcome where you spend time developing relationships and growing in relation with God.

One thing that I enjoy about retreats is what happens after the retreat. Yes! It is so interesting to see the people who have made a retreat experience profound changes in their lives. They are full of excitement and joy. They share so many memories of the retreat experience. Their enthusiasm bubbles over and this excites others to consider possibly making the next retreat.

If this sounds interesting to you, I suggest you contact Greg and Krystal Montgomery. They are the leaders for the next retreat weekends coming up September 23/24 for men; October 7/8 for women. Now is the time to mark your calendar and begin to pray daily. Ask the Lord if this is something for you? Just like acts, they could not stop talking about the fruits of their mission trip. Experience Welcome and I don’t think you will be able to stop talking about it either.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen