Categories: Announcements, Events, HomiliesPublished On: April 28th, 2024Tags: 455 words13.8 min read

The Bulletin has a NEW Look! | Emily Hagen, Dir. of Marketing

You may have noticed a significant change in our bulletin this weekend. We pray that this new change is a positive one for each of you. The objective of this new bulletin is to make it easier for you to find important information, as well as to showcase and share the amazing things happening within our four parishes.

For the past few months, a group of twelve volunteers from our Four Parishes One Faith family have been working together to assess our current communication methods and explore other tools for church communications. I would like to express my gratitude to Sue Dietz, Julie Mazourek, Bill Rademaker, Abigail Solum, Skye O’Dell, Marian Stodola, Pat Zemaitis, Pam Sirinek, Jo Henk, Krystal Montgomery, and Rachael Hartman for their hard work and dedication. Thank you!

This group of dedicated volunteers reviewed all of our communication tools, including our website, bulletin, Facebook/Instagram and YouTube. They also researched other tools we could use in the future, such as parish apps, email communications and texting tools.

The committee found that we do a good job of communicating what’s happening, but we need to do more to educate people on how to use and find the information they need. Not everyone will read the bulletin or know how to visit our website, so we need to educate the people on how to use the different communication tools available to them.

Some of the key takeaways from the review include the need for a reformatted and easier-to-read bulletin, continued efforts to showcase each of our parishes while also uniting us together, more video marketing to engage people on social media, and education to teach people how to engage with us on social media or find information on our website. In the future, we are considering implementing a Parish App and/or email communications, and we’ll also assign point people at each parish to be accountable for sharing events and updates with the bulletin editor. Keep an eye out for more information on how to find what you need in our Four Parish One Faith family.

Effective communication is of utmost importance. Communication tools are constantly evolving and we must continue to educate each other to spread the word and bring more people to the Catholic faith. It is important to be mindful of how each of us communicates and is aware that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to share, please feel free to contact Mrs. Hagen at 715-736-3113 or


The bulletin submission deadline is end of day Friday for the bulletin one week ahead.