Categories: HomiliesPublished On: September 13th, 2022Tags: , 306 words9.3 min read
Saint John Chrysostom

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Saint John Chrysostom

John’s father died when he was young, and he was raised by a very pious mother. Well educated; studied rhetoric under Libanius, one of the most famous orators of his day. He was a monk and a Preacher and priest for a dozen years in Syria. While there he developed a stomach ailment that troubled him the rest of his life.

It was for his sermons that John earned the title Chrysostom = golden mouthed. They were always on point, they explained the Scriptures with clarity, and they sometimes went on for hours.

He was made a reluctant bishop of Constantinople in 398, a move that involved him in imperial politics. He criticized the rich for not sharing their wealth, fought to reform the clergy, prevented the sale of ecclesiastical offices, called for fidelity in marriage, encouraged practices of justice and charity. He was Archbishop and Patriarch of Constantinople.

He revised the Greek Liturgy. Because John’s sermons advocated a change in their lives, some nobles and bishops worked to remove him from his diocese; he was twice exiled from his diocese. He was banished to Pythius, he died on the road.

Greek Father of the Church. Proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 451.

When you are before the altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men; but believe that there are troops of angels and archangels standing by you, and trembling with respect before the sovereign Master of Heaven and earth. Therefore, when you are in church, be there in silence, fear, and veneration. – Saint John Chrysostom ecerpts from Laudate.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen