Categories: HomiliesPublished On: May 26th, 2022Tags: , 271 words8.2 min read
A Little While

Photo byAron Visuals on Unsplash


Here are links to our readings for the day:

A Little While

Today’s readings are not for the Ascension although they do sound something like the Ascension. The Council of United States Bishops has moved Ascension to this Sunday. Blessings

A Little While

Scholars have pondered this saying, a little while. I have often wondered why? What is so special about a little while? I mean anyone who has children has used this phrase multiple times.

For example, a child who is bored asks when are we leaving? We respond in a little while. Or is it supper time yet? In a little while. Are we there yet? In a little while.

This phrase is used in so many places and in so many ways we intuitively know what it means. It is something we desperately want but cannot have it right now. And of course, the next question asked by young and old is: WHY NOT?!

Jesus’ disciples wanted to say why not, too. But Jesus promises the Advocate. It is important to realize Jesus could not stay here on earth. Why?

Because everyone would want Him for their friend. It would become a competition. Who is the best friend of Jesus? No, we need the Holy Spirit. A Spirit for all people. A Spirit that is mysterious and always with us. A Spirit of love. Thus, we need to recognize Jesus Ascension. When does this happen? In a little while.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen