Categories: HomiliesPublished On: September 28th, 2021Tags: , 235 words7.1 min read
Ten Men

Photo by Savannah Class on Unsplash


Here are links to our readings for the day:

Ten Men

The prophecy is that ten men from every nation will come forward in prayer, speaking in their native language. Maybe you remember the argument between Abraham and God – how many good men must there be in a city for God not to destroy it. The hope is for all nations to come together and worship God. The evils of prejudice, discrimination, racial injustice, and hatred have been eliminated.

Jesus rejected retaliation of any kind towards people who did not accept Him. The Samaritans did not want to help Him because He was going to Jerusalem. For over four hundred years there has been this animosity between the Samaritans and the Jewish people stemming back to Ezra and the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The Samaritans built their altar at Gerizim. Anger and hatred toward each other and brother ensued.

Times have not changed have they. We see in our own time divisions among nations, in our country, and in our family. It is the Christian given the task for reconciliation, to bring people together. Then, just like the first reading people will say let us go with you for we see God in you.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen