Categories: HomiliesPublished On: April 30th, 2021Tags: , 308 words9.3 min read
Hope Is A Person – Jesus

Here are links to our readings for the day:

Hope Is A Person – Jesus

As I have aged, I find I am more dependent on Google Maps or some other sort of GPS system. I once was exceptionally good using a traditional map. I could listen to someone’s verbal instructions and find my way quite readily. A couple of miles this way, a couple more that a way, and I would be there. But now I find myself doubting the verbal instructions from the lady speaking to me from Google maps. There are times I find myself not trusting her. And what is strange, she will tell me to turn right and for whatever reason I turn left.

Sometimes my prayer life is like that. I wonder why I am saying some of the prayers I do. I might even wonder if God is listening, although I know He is. And I wonder if I am saying my prayers properly in a prayerful manner. I wonder, do they make a GPS system for prayer?

I must admit I feel like Thomas when he says, Master, we do not know the way. Then Jesus reassures us, you do know the way. I have prepared a place for you. It has your name on it. It will be your new address. You will never have to worry about getting lost again or not finding your way back home. You will be with the Father and the Father will be with you. What a comforting thought. Our hope is based on the Lord, what Jesus has promised us. Eternal life with Him. Turn to Jesus and let Him be your GPS.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen