Categories: HomiliesPublished On: March 5th, 2023Tags: , 604 words18.3 min read
The Transfiguration

Here are links to our readings for the day:

The Transfiguration

We start with Abram today, almost two thousand years before Jesus. Abram lives where modern-day Iraq is. When God calls Abram, God does not give him a map or directions. God tells him to go where he directs him.

It is a mystery as we are not told how God directs Abram. For Abram to get to the promised land he will have to travel North to go around the mountains and then South. It is a mystery why Abram would take his entire family on a trip where he does not know where he is going.

Because it is a mystery, we can see the trust Abram has in God even if we do not understand. God does tell Abram that he will have many descendants. But God does not tell Abram that he will be ninety years old when he will have children. Another mystery. A mystery that teaches us we must trust in God that the plans he has for us will happen when God wants them to happen.

Peter, James, and John are beginning to trust Jesus. They do not always understand His words or His actions, but they experience something in Jesus that attracts them to Him. Jesus is going to show them a mystery today.

He takes them up a high mountain. Have you ever noticed when you climb a mountain you have to look where you are stepping? You can stop to look at the panoramic view, but you have to look down as you step so as not to trip. It is only when you get to the mountain that you can take the time to look around at the panoramic view.

Before they can enjoy the view suddenly a mystery happens. Jesus becomes shining, bright light emanating from Him. The light is so intense they can see nothing else. And a mysterious voice comes from the cloud. The disciples are terrified. Jesus touches them.

They need to feel the touch of Jesus to reassure them that they are safe. Jesus does not take the time to explain the mystery they just experienced. But he tells them not to share with others what they saw. Why another mystery?

I think they want to ask Jesus for an explanation, but walking back down the mountain you must pay attention to where you are stepping so that you do not trip and fall. Again, this is another moment of learning to put your trust in Jesus.

Peter wanted to build three tents on the mountain. Jesus teaches us that what we experience on the mountain is not where we are to live. Nor are we to live in the deep valleys. Rather, our lives are meant to be lived this day. We have challenges, troubles, successes, and joys. In many ways they are seen as mysteries, too.

We do not always understand the way God directs our lives, but just like Abram we learn to trust in God. Then the transfiguration is a sign of what is to come. It is reassuring that there is something more. And even though we may carry our cross and pass through the desert of lent, we can be assured that God is with us. Even when we question. Even when we doubt, we need only look to how God has worked in our lives to know He is with us. Always.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen