Categories: HomiliesPublished On: March 19th, 2023Tags: , 512 words15.5 min read

Here are links to our readings for the day:

I Want to See as God Sees

David is the youngest of Jesse’s sons. God has instructed Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and anoint the son God has chosen. Samuel begins with the oldest, but God rejects each of the sons. God has looked into the hearts of each son and does not choose any of them. Are there anymore? Only the youngest, David. Yes, anoint him.

What does God see in David’s heart? Because we know the story, David becomes the greatest king. Samuel would not have known the future, nor David’s brothers or father. David becomes the greatest king of Israel, chosen by God. If we want to see as God sees, then we must turn to God and seek His wisdom and guidance. Without God, we are blind.

The Pharisees are the spiritual leaders of God’s people. They are to help people find God. They are to teach and lead the people in worship of God. But they have lost their way through their corruption and greed. They have become selfish and not concerned about God’s people. They can no longer see because they are blind to God. Not physical blindness, but spiritual blindness.

What a contrast with that of the man born blind. As he begins to see, not only is he healed physically but spiritually, too. You can see his faith strengthen each time he is questioned by the Pharisees. The strength of his response when he says, “”I told you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?”

The realization that no one has ever cured blindness is proof to the blind man that the one who healed him is no ordinary person. Now the blind man has a true desire to see Jesus. And the blind man is getting frustrated with the Jewish leaders. Why don’t they see? Why don’t they believe? Because Jesus made mud out clay on the Sabbath? Unbelievable! It is too ridiculous to compare the healing of blindness to making mud. The Jewish leaders resist to see the miracle that happened before their eyes. The Jewish leaders are now the blind people.

I want to see as God sees. I want to see His miracles. I want to see His creation. I want to see Jesus in everyone. As I grow in faith, increase my desire to find Jesus. And when miracles happen, as they surely will, let me see with eyes of faith. Help me to share the light of Christ in lives of others. May I bring people to the light of the miracles, not cover them in darkness. The blind man’s faith assuredly brought many more to believe in Jesus. May I do the same.

May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen